К основному контенту
During the Ice Age many animals died because of the cold. Seeing this situation, the porcupines decided to group together, so they wrapped up well and protected one another.

But they hurt one another with their thorns, and so then they decided to stay apart from one another.

They started to freeze to death again.
So they had to make a choice: either they vanished from the face of the earth or they accepted their neighbor’s thorns.

They wisely decided to stay together again. They learned to live with the small wounds that a very close relationship could cause, because the most important thing was the warmth given by the other.

And in the end they survived.


  1. This story is very interesting. People must appreciate each other, they should take care of their dearest friends and relatives. And let for this purpose it is necessary to go on any victim, to suffer difficult character or behavior, or even to forgive faults. The man must be wise and keep everything he loves. And what pain would be not caused by close relations, it is better to endure it, for the sake of close people. After all to lose all it is very simple, but it is necessary to have wisdom, in order to keep all and everything will be well by all means.


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