К основному контенту
Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.

No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.


  1. When it comes to what you feel bad because you are sick - of course, better to stay home and make every effort to become healthy. After all, health - it is high value in our lives.
    And if it is that you morally bad, then I would agree with the fact that it is better not looking at anyone and do not like you would not be bad at the moment, we must stand up, gather strength and continue a normal life.
    Better yet, litter situation or example, even a haircut or hair color, do chores and distractions of unnecessary thoughts. Make it so that no one guessed that at the moment is beautiful, sociable, smiling girl might cry. Let the people who hurt you, see and envy the fact that you are fine. ..

  2. Risk - a "medal with two sides. " On the one hand - when a person is at risk, he can achieve this goal. It's no wonder they say: nothing ventured, nothing gained!
    However, on the other hand, risk is a deed which is not always a positive result. As for me, I do not like risk. I think it is better to measure seven times, and only then - once cut!

  3. As for me, risk is noble.

    And...how we feel to a great extent depends on what we think about it.

  4. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up. …

    I don’t know where does this sentence from,however, I feel it is powerful. As it goes”No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up……”. This is what time goes. It never stopped and everything is moving step by step. Nothing would quit even you feel that you world is broken, you couldn’t do anything because you are unhappy or unsuccessful. The world would not be worse for your failure or be better for your success. Sometimes you could only see that negative or active aspects but not both.

    Don’t worry or too much exited no matter what is happening. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.


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